Web Services Overview

Our suite includes the Risk Evolution API, a high-performance gRPC Service, and a dynamic Blazor Web App, tailored for financial applications. From enriched live inflation data and projections to fixed income analytics and interactive visualization, our services ensure seamless integration, rapid data retrieval, and real-time updates across platforms.

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.NET8 & Blazor Desktop APP

Upgraded with .NET8 and Blazor for 2024, our desktop platform delivers enriched data on live inflation, IRS markets, emerging market IRS, and government bond analytics. It offers advanced features like cross-currency inflation, FX swaps, futures/options, and a system-wide advanced cash flow analysis to enhance financial decision-making.

More About Desktop App

ReflexLibs, a cross-platform library supporting C++11 to C++20 and .NET versions up to 8.0, offers advanced analytics for financial products. Features include Rates/FX, multi-currency curve generation, and advanced instrument representation. All instruments are configurable in XML, with access via C#, F#, and VB.

More About ReflexLibs
Indices: EUR.HICP.2015, Eurozone Harmonized All Items Basket
Timestamp: 2024-04-03T09:00:13.1297866Z